Sunday, July 24, 2011

#278: The Wishing Well - Phinehas

The Wishing Well

Genre: Rock/Metalcore

Phinehas is ridiculously good and deserves more attention. This song stood out to me, being a large departure from the style of the rest of the album. All of thegodmachine is incredible, though.

A thunderstorm, a distant shore; I've witnessed this before
Patience was fleeting
If a thousand coins on the ocean floor would bring back love to me
I'll wait forever

Fill the sea with dreams of a wishing well
Waves bring back my coins to me
Drain the deep that teems with my empty shells
Slaves of sand still call for me

I once had love to give
I once had hoped to live
The rarest stones will break my bones and golden salt stops my lungs
The perfect limbs and haunting eyes begs the seas: begin to rise

Fill the sea with dreams of a wishing well
Waves bring back my coins to me
Drain the deep that teems with my empty shells
Slaves of sand still call for me

Man: And when these delusions come to fruition
Believe you me
I will strangle my self into nothingness
And be reborn from the dream of a blasphemous fool

In my sordid pelt of mold
I'll earn back years to me
The god of a nightmare will fall as I take back what is…

Devil: Mine!
Worthless swine enraptured by my vanity
Your soul sank under the weight of gold you offered me

Man: a waste of a life, squandered my heart until it rests upon the ocean floor barren
Watching the light descend deeper and deeper
A deadening feeling starts to grow in my ribs

Man: From where I lie, the waves overflow, with my blood
Devil: From where I hide, the snakes overgrown, with your blood

Man: Where are my years
I'll bleed dry by myself
I wish I was someone
Devil: You wish you were someone else

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

#277: Water - Hands


Genre: Hardcore

Forgive me for falling out,
it's just not the way I see you.
Take me to the water.
Let there be light!
To reveal everything we've become.
Take me to the water.

I'm losing my faith
at the hands of the dynasty.
Take me to the water.
I just want something real.

From the shore, with the waves to my back.
I can see a wasteland of blasphemy.
Spoiled fruit, reaped from crooked trees.

God, are these your seeds?
Are these your branches?
I'm so disgusted with all of this.
I want to recover.

Forgive me for falling out,
it's just not the way I see you.
Take me to the water.
Let there be light!
To reveal everything we've become.
Take me to the water.

Be still my brother.
Be still so we may hear His voice.

Let there be light!
Take me to the water.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

#276: Eyes Wide Open - Sleeping Giant

Eyes Wide Open
Sleeping Giant

Genre: Hardcore

They try to silence my voice
they try to hold me down
but I'm still screaming out, I'm still screaming out

They try to silence my voice
they try to hold me down
but I'm still screaming out
"You better pray"

They call me fanatic 'cause I can stand on my own.
I speak revivalist. I got this fire shut up in my bones.
They call me fanatic.
And all the church doors they stay closed because I testify.
They preach sermons but they still don't know.

The fanatical forerunner. I prepare the way.
I speak a message of truth. Take heed- I mean what I say.
You better pray.

So hide yourself in the darkness.
Keep your prayers to yourselves
because any fool can pray
just to get recognized by someone else.

The secret life of fanatics,
they can stand on their own
they recognize the church doors stay closed.

They call me fanatic 'cause I can stand on my own.
I speak revivalist. I got this fire shut up in my bones.

We pray with our eyes open to see the victims of injustice.
I’m not just one man- all heaven stands with me.
I've got a message for the world: It's not just us.
You better pray.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

#275: Forgive Me - The Crimson Armada

Forgive Me
The Crimson Armada

Genre: Hardcore

Forgive me
For I can't keep quiet anymore

Just so you know these words you say mean everything to me
The very sounds are the strings to my heart
I am overwhelmed and can't be silent
So please forgive me if I can't keep quiet
I'm so fulfilled and so inspired
I've got to tell the world

Forgive me
I just can't keep this joy in me

I’ve got to let the world know
Why my heart won’t stop racing
Believe me
I swear there is no better feeling
I’ve got to let the world know
That there is nothing else that I'll be needing now

Forgive me for I can't keep quiet
The voice of heart cannot be silenced
Believe me because I know, I’ve tried it
And he always pulls me back to him

I breathe for you, I sing for you
I will scream with all my heart
This is everything that I believe
And you are everything I need
So I will scream with all my heart
This is everything that I believe

Forgive me
I just can't keep this joy in me

I’ve got to let the world know
Why my heart won’t stop racing
Believe me
I swear there is no better feeling
I’ve got to let the world know
That there is nothing else that I'll be needing now

I’ve got to let the world know
That there is nothing else that I'll be needing now

Forgive me for I can't keep quiet
The voice of heart cannot be silenced
Believe me because I know, I’ve tried it

This is everything that I believe